Week 1 Term 2 2024
Dear Families,
Welcome to Term 2. I hope you had a wonderful holiday break. It's always a pleasure to witness the children's excitement in seeing each other on return to school. It has been a very settled start to a busy term ahead.
We received the terrific news during the holidays that Mrs Denison and her husband welcomed the arrival of their baby boy, Navy Jude. Baby and mum are well and Sophie and Jed are very excited about their beautiful baby son. Congratulations to all and welcome to the family Navy!
As a regular requirement of School Compliance and a way of keeping you, our parent community informed, please be aware that:
- The Diocese of Lismore Catholic School Office Child Protection policy and procedures identifying child protection processes including mandatory reporting is available on our school website, a hard copy is available in the office within the school.
- The St Joseph's Anti-Bullying policy and procedures have been reviewed in line with the Diocesan Anti-Bullying (Student) Policy and Standard Operating Procedures. The Policy is available on our school website.
At the heart of Catholic Education lies a commitment to the wellbeing and safety of every student. Over the next weeks, we will present some items for your information as we continue to foster positive relationships at St Joseph's
Item 1: What is Bullying?
Understanding bullying helps students and parents distinguish between regular conflicts and actual bullying. This helps avoid confusion and ensures that the right help is given when needed. It can also empower you as parents to engage in prevention efforts proactively. By teaching your children about respectful behaviour, empathy, dignity, courage, and inclusion, parents can help prevent bullying from occurring in the first place.
Bullying refers to the unwanted, repeated and intentional use of words or actions against a student or a group of students to cause distress and risk to their wellbeing. Watch
Bullying means behaviour that has three (3) key features:
1. It involves the intentional misuse of power in a relationship;
2. It is ongoing and repeated; and
3. It involves behaviours that can cause harm.
A student can acquire power through advantage, such as social status, popularity, an advantage in size and strength, number of allies, age, skill, or membership in a socially defined dominant group, which could be based, for example, on wealth or gender.
Behaviours that do not constitute bullying include:
1. Mutual arguments and disagreements;
2. Not liking someone or a single act of social rejection;
3. A single episode of hurtful words or actions
4. Isolated incidents of aggression, intimidation and/or violence
Indirect bullying (also known as covert bullying) is not always immediately observable and acknowledged as bullying. Indirect bullying can be discreet and anonymous, and the person experiencing the bullying behaviour may not realise it until after it has occurred.
Examples of indirect bullying include:
● Spreading rumours: Sharing false or harmful information about someone to tarnish their reputation.
● Gossiping: Engaging in negative discussions about a person without their
● Social manipulation: Encouraging others to exclude or reject a person from social
● Cyberbullying: Using digital platforms to harass, intimidate, or spread harmful
content about a person.
● Stealing: Discreetly and repeatedly stealing personal belongings
When parents understand what bullying entails, they can effectively communicate with their child about their experiences at school, in the community and online. By using the correct terminology and understanding the dynamics of bullying, parents can encourage open dialogue and provide the necessary support.
Watch Bullying and Conflict with your child.
We would need to start cooking at 7 am. Dads can nominate through the Google Form below.
Over the coming weeks we will invite students, teachers and parents to provide feedback on their experience of our school using an online survey. The surveys are an important part of our whole school evaluation and planning process.
We invite you this week to complete the Tell Them From Me (TTFM) Partners in Learning survey. As we value the role of parents and carers within our school community we would greatly appreciate your feedback. The information you provide will be used to maintain our commitment to working together in partnership to further improve student learning and wellbeing at St Joseph’s
The survey is anonymous and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. You will be able to access the parent survey on your computer or mobile device by using the URL below
We are very interested to have your feedback, thank you for your support with this survey
The following days have been set down as Staff Development Days for St Joseph's for 2024. We thank you for supporting us in our Professional Development/Learning
Students do not attend school on these days
29 May |
Staff Proclaim |
Friday 5th of July |
School Review- where to from here |
TERM 3 |
Monday 22nd of July |
New Curriculum |
Friday 27th of September |
New Curriculum |
Saturday 4 May | Confirmation Preparation Meeting |
Monday 6 May | Tell Them From Me Survey period begins |
Tuesday 7 May | Richmond Zone Cross Country |
Friday 10 May |
Mother's Day Breakfast 7.30 am Mothers Day Mass 9.30 am Mother's Day Stall From 12md |
Saturday 11 May |
Confirmation Preparation Meeting |
Sunday 12 May |
Mother's Day |
Monday 13 May | Parent Forum Meeting 6pm |
Friday 17 May | Confirmation Sacramental Retreat at Coraki |
Saturday 18 May | Confirmation Preparation Meeting |
Monday 20 May | Sacrament of Confirmation |
Friday 24 May | Stage 3 Assembly |
- The Holiday break we have just enjoyed.
- The arrival of Mr and Mrs Denison's son- Navy
- Our friends.
- Being back together again.
- A new term for learning and growing.
- Our students who attended the ANZAC Day services
- Our Student Award Winners for starting Term 2 in such a positive way!
Have a wonderful weekend
Jeanette Wilkins
Gospel Reading
John 15:9-17
Jesus commands his disciples to love one another.
We know that Jesus himself gives us the greatest example of the kind of love and service that he teaches to his disciples. He has, in fact, laid down his life for his friends, for his disciples, and for us. Through his death and Resurrection, we have received the grace to love others as Jesus has commanded.
We are called to love and serve all in need.
Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation
Monday 20th May at St Joseph's Church Coraki 6 pm -
All welcome
We believe that the passing on of our Christian faith, values and traditions is a true gift that our parents can share with their children. Parents of students preparing for the Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation are attending Confirmation preparation family meetings. The meetings will be held at school on Saturday 4th, 11th and 18th May at 3:45 pm for approximately 45 mins. Please keep our students and their families in your prayers and may this time of preparation bring grace and peace to all.
Richmond Zone Cross Country
Congratulations, to the students who have qualified to participate in the Richmond Zone Cross Country Trials to be held next Tuesday 7th May at Hepburn Park, Goonellabah The approximate running time for these trials will be 9:30 am – 2:00 pm.
The children will travel to the trials by private transport. Students will wear their school sports uniform and school hat.
Additional event details:
Program of the day - Approximate times
- 9.30 - 9.45 Arrival
- Each school will walk the course with their own teachers/group
- 10.15 Welcome - Prayer - Welcome to Country
- 10.25 - Beginning of events:
- 10 years Boys
- 10 years Girls
- 9 years Boys
- 9 years Girls
- 8 years Boys
- 8 years Girls
- 11 years Boys
- 11 years Girls
- 12/13 years Boys
- 12/13 years Girls
Presentation - Medallions (throughout the day) and trophy winners (if time permits).
2pm departure.
Polding Trials
Wishing the best of luck to Chase Martin and Thomas Bailey, who are in Tamworth today for the Polding Trials
Important Dates
Diocesan Cross Country - Tuesday 23rd May - Grafton
Kindergarten | Gus Farrell |
Year 1 | Lenny Johnston |
Year 2 | Sonny Feil |
Year 3 | Nancy Butler |
Year 4 | Brianna Bailey |
Year 5 | Thomas Walsh |
Year 6 | Rose Quirk |