Week 4 Term 2 - 2022
Dear Families
We are so privileged to be working in a Catholic School where on a regular basis people consistently make Jesus very real for us through the way that they think, say and do things. I read an article earlier this week that stated:
'Each one of us has a purpose and a place in the world. Each of us experiences pain, fatigue, humour, and hope. If we look more intently at the people we encounter on a typical day, we will see who they truly are—persons loved by God. Regardless of appearance or situation, the woman, man, or child before you is brimming with holy possibility. Consider that you are gazing into the eyes of God. Understand that Jesus comes to you in many faces and places.'
Where did I see Jesus this week?
- I saw Jesus in the Stage 3 students as they led us in a beautiful Mass today.
- I saw Jesus in the students as they hugged each other to stay warm.
- I saw Jesus in Amy (Our student support officer) as she played Headbanz with the Kinders at lunch.
- I saw Jesus at the Zone Cross Country as one infant's student said to another, 'Its okay, I'll run with you'
- I saw Jesus in a mum today who joined us at Mass
- I saw Jesus in our canteen helper, making the best sandwiches ever to feed our children
- I saw Jesus in the person who bought our children new jackets.
- I saw Jesus in a mum who takes the time some mornings to play games with the children.
- I saw Jesus in Paul and JJ who brought Drones for our children to use and explore this week.
- I saw Jesus in a student who sat quietly beside a friend who was sad.
- I saw Jesus today in the children who were so excited to have 'Pie Day Friday'
- I saw Jesus in each of our Award Winner students who worked hard to keep our school values.
- I saw Jesus in the Year 6 students as they looked after their buddies at Mass.
- I saw Jesus in our children sitting and listening to each other during lunch.
- I saw Jesus in our parents who take the time to smile, greet and have a chat in the morning and afternoon.
I saw Jesus so many times this week, where did you see Jesus?
As we move quickly through 2022, it is time already to begin kindergarten enrolments for 2023.
We will be holding our Kindy Information Night on Tuesday 21 June 2022. If you have children ready to begin school next year, or if you know of anyone who may be interested in enrolling in Kindergarten (or any other year) in 2023, the Information Evening will be held on Tuesday 21 June at 6 pm.
An adapted Semester 1 report will be given out in Week 10 of this term. Parent-Teacher Interviews will be held on Monday and Tuesday of Week 10 to give you the opportunity to discuss the reports and your child's learning. Details to be provided in the coming weeks.
A Professional Learning Day for staff (Pupil Free day) will be held on the last day of Term 2- Friday 1 July 2022.
- Drone Day with Paul and JJ
- Stage 3 leading us in a beautiful Mass.
- The students who represented us in Zone Cross Country.
- The food that has continued to be provided for our students.
- The person who donated new jackets for our students.
- The 10 boxes of new books donated by St Clares College Hassell Grove
Have a wonderful weekend
Year C - 6th Sunday of Easter
Gospel Reading
John 14:23-2
In the gospel this week Jesus promises his disciples that the Father will send the Holy Spirit.
As the celebration of the Easter season is coming to an end, the liturgy reminds us that Jesus remains with us through the Holy Spirit, who teaches us everything we need to know, reminds us of all that Jesus taught, and brings us peace.
Student Discipleship Incitare 2022
by Lorena Swanson, Clancy Newman and Miles Parkinson
Incitare was a fun and interesting day. We will always treasure the time we shared with other students.
We celebrated and shared our faith, learned to spread the Good News and made new friends. It was an amazing opportunity and we became closer to God. We would recommend for other students to enjoy the experience and journey in the years to come.
Laudata Si Week: 22nd-29th May
Laudato si' is the second encyclical of Pope Francis. The encyclical has the subtitle "On care for our common home".
The link below will lead you to some nature-based activities for the whole family to share.
Laudato Si is a great opportunity to share with families the commitment we are all called to have as Christians to the wise stewardship of God’s gift of creation.
Caritas has created an excellent resource that provides a collection of nature-based activities for the whole family. These activities seek to encourage a shared sense of awe and contemplation about nature, leading to a renewed sense of commitment and action towards the protection of the planet and its people.
To view, the excellent family activities click on the link below.
Important Dates
Our Lady Help of Christians Feast Day - 24th May
National Sorry Day Thursday, 26th May 9:05 am - A Liturgy prepared by Kindergarten - parents welcome!
Sacrament of Confirmation - Wednesday 1st June 2022
SCHOOL MASS prepared by Stage 2 at the Anglican Church on Friday 3rd June at 9:30 am - parents welcome!
SCHOOL MASS prepared by Stage One at the Anglican Church Friday 17th June at 9:30 am - parents welcome!
STARRS PRODUCTION SHOW - Young Mary: Friday 24th June at 1:15 pm
NAIDOC Week 3rd – 10 July 2022
Zone Cross Country
Congratulations to all the students who represented St Joseph's at the Zone Cross Country last Wednesday at Hepburn Park Goonellabah. a terrific effort.
A special congratulations to Jasmine Hayden and Jed Duignan who have progressed to the Diocesan Cross Country to be held at Grafton next Tuesday. We wish Jasmine and Jed all the best!
Kindergarten | Tucker Farrell and Talen Prodanovic |
Year 1 | |
Year 2 | Kaydence Lindsay |
Year 3 | Lacey Foster and Ollie Handford- King |
Year 4 | Holly Barnes and Cooper Bailey |
Year 5 | Alyssa Symonds and Lilijoy Walkington |
Year 6 | Miles Parkinson and Jacob Kirk |